Courses Taught:
ICT 201: Personal Knowledge Management (face to face and online)
LIS 600: Information in Society (face to face and online)
LIS 603: Management in Information Organizations (online)
LIS 643: Public Libraries (online)
LIS 672: Practicum (supervised several students in independent practica)
LIS 690: Special Topics: Intellectual Freedom and Core Values (online)
LIS 690: Ethical Issues in Information Organizations (online)
LIS 692: Independent Study (Supervised and guided individual graduate students in their respective independent study projects; selected topics below; face to face and online)
o Reader's advisory in public libraries
o Service in public libraries
o Access to information in segregated libraries
o Prison libraries
o Library marketing
o Public libraries and disaster responses
o Public libraries in Kentucky
o Bibliotherapy
o Religion and intellectual freedom
o Makerspaces in public libraries
o Libraries serving those with disabilities
* Student subsequently graduated and now teaches on this subject
o Public accessibility to court documents
* Led to peer-reviewed publication
o Information ethics