Oltmann, S. M. (Ed.). (2023). The fight against book bans: Perspectives from the field. Libraries Unlimited.
Oltmann, S. M. (2019). Practicing intellectual freedom in libraries. Libraries Unlimited.
Refereed Articles
Espinoza Vasquez, F., & Oltmann, S. M. (Under review). Information precarity in post-Maria Puerto Rico: Extending the information marginalization framework.
Oltmann, S. M., Kitzie, V., & Barriage, S. (Accepted). ‘For me, it is an intellectual freedom issue’: Drag storytimes, neutrality, and ALA core values. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science.
Kitzie, V., Floegel, D., Barriage, S., & Oltmann, S. M. (2022). How visibility, hypervisibility, and invisibility shape library staff and drag performer perceptions of and experiences with drag storytimes in public libraries. Library Quarterly, 92(3), 215-240.
Oltmann, S. M., Samek, T., & Cooke, L. (2022). Intellectual freedom: Waving and wavering across three national contexts. IFLA Journal, 48(3), 439-448.
Greenhalgh, S. P., Krutka, D. G., & Oltmann, S. M. (2021). Gab, Parler, and (mis)educational technologies: Reconsidering informal learning on social media platforms. Journal of Applied Instructional Design, 10(3). *Winner of McJulien Scholar Award from the Culture, Learning and Technology division of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology.
Barriage, S. Kitzie, V., Floegel, D., & Oltmann, S. M. (2021). Public library staff perceptions of and experiences with drag queen storytimes. Children and Libraries, 19(2), 14-22. *Nominated for Eli M. Oboler Award from American Library Association.
Espinoza Vasquez, F., Proferes, N., Cooper, T., & Oltmann, S. M. (2021). Going rogue: Reconceptualizing government employees’ contentious politics on Twitter. First Monday, 26(6). Available at:
Oltmann, S. M., Knox, E. J. M., & Peterson, C. (2021). The significance of access to information—and the challenges it faces in librarianship. Library Philosophy and Practice, March 2021. Article #5094. Available at:
von Wiegen, L., & Oltmann, S. M. (2020). A different democratic divide: How the current U.S. online court record system exacerbates inequality. Law Library Journal, 112(2), 257-273.
Oltmann, S. M., Cooper, T., & Proferes, N. (2020). How Twitter’s affordances empower dissent and information dissemination: An exploratory study of the rogue and alt government agency Twitter accounts. Government Information Quarterly, 37(3). Article 101475.
Oltmann, S. M., & Reynolds, S.D. (2020). When libraries aren’t challenged: Librarians discuss a lack of patron challenges to their collections. Journal of Research on Libraries & Young Adults, 11(2). Available at:
Oltmann, S. M. (2019). Important factors in Midwestern public librarians’ views on intellectual freedom and collection development (Part II). Library Quarterly, 89(2), 156-172.
Oltmann, S. M. (2018). Important factors in Midwestern public librarians’ views on intellectual freedom and collection development (Part I). Library Quarterly, 89(1), 2-15.
Knox, E. J. M., & Oltmann, S. M. (2018). Social responsibility, censorship, and the ALA: The 2015 Banned Books Week controversy. Library Quarterly, 88(1), 5-22. -
Oltmann, S. M. (2018). Ethics, values, and intellectual freedom in school libraries. School Libraries Worldwide, 24(1), 71-86.
Peterson, C., Oltmann, S. M., & Knox, E. J. M. (2017). The inconsistent work of web filters: Mapping information access in Alabama public schools and libraries. International Journal of Communication, 11, 4583-4609.
Oltmann, S. M. (2017). Intellectual freedom in academic libraries: Surveying deans about its significance. College and Research Libraries, 78(6), 741-760.
Oltmann, S. M., Peterson, C., & Knox, E. J. M. (2017). Analyzing challenges to library materials: An incomplete picture. Public Library Quarterly, 36(4), 274-292.
Oltmann, S. M. (2016). The paradox of shock: Artists’ experience of censorship. Journal of Information Ethics, 25(2), 59-76.
Oltmann, S. M. (2016). “For all the people”: Public library directors interpret intellectual freedom. Library Quarterly, 86(3), 290-312.
Oltmann, S. M. (2016). Qualitative interviews: A methodological discussion of the interviewer
and respondent context. Forum Qualitative Social Research, 17(2). Available at: -
Oltmann, S. M. (2016). Public librarians’ views on collection development and censorship. Collection Management, 41(1), 23-44.
Oltmann, S. M. (2016). Intellectual freedom and freedom of speech: Three theoretical perspectives. Library Quarterly, 86(2), 153-171.
Oltmann, S. M. (2016). “They kind of rely on the library”: School librarians serving LGBT students. Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults, 7(1). Available at:
Oltmann, S. M., Knox, E. J. M., Peterson, C., & Musgrave, S. (2015). Using open records laws to conduct research. Library & Information Science Research, 37(4), 323-328.
Oltmann, S. M. (2015). Dual use beyond the life sciences: An LIS perspective. Library & Information Science Research, 37(3), 176-188.
Oltmann, S. M. (2015). Variables related to school media center LGBT collections. Libri, 65(1), 25-33.
Oltmann, S. M. (2015). Dual use research: Investigation across multiple science disciplines. Science & Engineering Ethics, 21(2), 327-341.
Oltmann, S. M. (2015). Data, censorship, and politics: Analyzing the restricted flow of information in federal scientific policy development. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 66(1), 144-161.
Shachaf, P., Oltmann, S. M., & Horowitz, S. (2008). E-quality in virtual reference services: Evaluation of service equality. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59(4), 535-550.
Current/Upcoming Research Projects:
Study of preservation of and access to AIDS-era LGBTQ voices in archives.
Investigation of how social media affords civil liberties, through interviews with the local Latino community.
Study of individuals who’ve been listed on Professor Watchlist, a rightwing site which targets people who supposedly push liberal agendas in colleges and universities.
Examination of why people choose to take extra steps to encrypt their email, hard drives, etc. to protect their privacy, using an affordances framework.